Tuesday, July 5, 2011

district mtg disappointment

Today's district meeting was a total disappointment and I had a gut feeling that things weren't going to go very well.  Let me begin by saying that the fact that our "service coordinator" didn't feel the need to have to be present should speak volumes in itself.  Little does she know that she will be replaced ASAP.  I was so ticked off to receive a phone call at the last minute from him stating the board of ed office called and they wanted us to come in earlier than expected due to a cancelation like I or any other parent can just  zoom out of work hop on the train and be there in lightning speed just to accommodate them.  I get to the place and can't find it thanks to the stupid directions of hop stop telling me to take the R they should tell you to take the N Q or 7 and you're right down the block.  I finally find it and decide to grab some lunch he meets up with me and you're rushing us to get there yet I'm still waiting for a while for YOU in the waiting area.  We're finally called to the meeting room and I'm expecting to see the big honcho from the early intervention agency and he's not there neither is the "service" coordinator the mtg begins and we're told he doesn't qualify for a school setting or transportation.  I felt like I was in the twilight zone everything coordinator said they said the total opposite.  The parent advocate was a total idiot.  You're telling me coordinator doesn't have to be present yet CPSE cmsr is wondering why she's not here. The coordinator didn't even fax over the DP1 form to continue service I was infuriated at this point so what the **** was she coordinating i'd really like to know b/c it wasn't services in my child's best interest.   Coordinator told me that he'd be placed in a school setting or at least I'd have to consider Head Start.  Head Start came up again and speech services would be provided at a facility.  I was pissed off b/c just to have local services we'd have to go out of our way to Woodside just to have a provider who works in the evening! I'm think WTF is wrong with people and the Board of Ed? Do they think people work from 6-3 or all can afford to stay home and work early hours????  Why the heck should I have to commute with my toddler all the way over there on train or bus after taking the two train voyage home b/c these incompetents can't provide services like they should to make parents lives easier!  The cmsr who happens to live in my area was also another one who said that EI is a program that was abused which is why so many cuts have been made which is ridiculous and boy did I bite my tongue b/c I was pissed off I wanted to say what do you mean abused? Are you paying for these services out of your pocket if not STFU! You have the lives and futures of the city's children in your hands all you care about is money!!! The city and the system suck.  The Board of Ed is all about numbers, bureaucracy, and their so called limited city budget to give our kids the bare minimum in services and I thought the #1 leader in city incompetence was the MTA #2 is Board of Ed.  Cuts have been made due to pure stupidity and incompetence of our law makers, representatives, and the village idiots in Albany.  EI is a very necessary program and w/o it many people simply couldn't have access to the programs and services their kids may need.  I could never even think of why I would have to "ask" a coordinator to be present at a meeting I thought that was their job another reason why things are screwed up nowadays NO ONE wants to do their job anymore.  No one will advocate for your kids like YOU do and had I been adequately prepared for this meeting we probably would've looked better and not like some clueless morons.  The final determination was services would continue until December 31 st and another meeting would be held to determine the next step.  His father was so pissed off he just wants to put him in private school I can't say I blame him at this point but the sticking point with that is many private schools don't provide special education services leaving parents no choice but to be at the mercy of the Board of Ed.   I didn't waste not one day I called the agency immediately spoke to a supervisor and Ms. Thing will be replaced immediately.  She never returned any of my texts I sent, nothing I don't need that type of "coordinating"when it comes to my child's education and future so I'm hoping that this will not cause an interruption of his services and we will finally have someone who has their ducks in a row and can provide services to our child. 

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