Friday, July 22, 2011

Riders Fight as Baby Stroller Rolls Off Subway Car

Riders Fight as Baby Stroller Rolls Off Subway Car

Here's another video and example of the subway stupidity in NYC and this time it was on the L train I'm just outraged on how stupid some people are they're willing to get into fights over the stupidest things it was over a seat by the way and how no one does anything.  It is incredible the only thing they did was upload this on to you tube and someone actually came to the aid of this innocent child b/c the so called adults were too busy being ghetto trash and acting like idiots and someone forgot about the child who could've gotten seriously hurt had no good samaritan came to the baby's defense.  Why doesn't anyone get the police involved? I know this is a very scary thing that there's increasing violence on our subways and buses and something needs to be done about it.  I think there needs to be more police on the subways or a way that can easily be contacted in the event something like this or any crime happens sort of like a call box on the highway but installed on a subway car.  Short of someone pulling the emergency break not much you can do especially you're underground. The sad part about this is no one knows if they were arrested but they should be and one of the charges should be endangering the welfare of the child.  This is a perfect example that any idiot can reproduce but very few can step up to the plate and be an adult and a parent.  I couldn't see myself putting risking my own safety and the safety of my child over a seat or any stupid thing like that.  A smart person would've just gotten off at the next stop.

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