Tuesday, July 5, 2011

extended weekend run down

Friday I felt so tired and lazy but I pushed myself to go the gym I tried a different class called just dance and it's a pretty decent class.  I just wish I could find an abs exercise to do that doesn't strain my neck b/c that's an area I seriously want to improve on.  I started on the treadmill burned over 100 I'm guessing b/c I didnt' see the actual number b/c someone was right behind me ready to use the machine after my time was up but plus the class and weights I'm guessing it was more.  I keep a food journal on fitness pal and it has made me much more accountable with what I eat and counting calories.  I ate 816 calories out of a 2,000 calorie diet a day isn't bad at all.  I've cut my portions in half.  I've also lost an additional 3 lbs which makes me feel good so I'm going to keep at it.  I walked all the way to end of Myrtle Ave and didn't even feel tired which is great b/c I used to dread the walk so shedding the weight helps out a great deal. This extended weekend consisted of a trip to the Jones Beach Pool which I love going to the pool but I don't neccesarily like the crowds or the outrageous cost of food by the pool.  Unfortunately I winded up getting a sunburn on my back I'm thinking I should've put more sunblock on or a shirt on b/c that sun does creep up on you when you're sitting by the pool in the sun and you will pay for it for sure like I am now.  I've been sleeping on my side and using aloe gel for my back.  Lesson learned use more sunblock possibly more expensive sunblock and buy a rash guard to wear.  Jr is afraid of the water which is unusual b/c last year he was swimming like a fish I'm guessing the water wasn't warm enough but I'm sure it will be today at 92 degrees and yesterday was a perfect pool day but he was working :(.  Saturday was his birthday and it was akward considering the situation before we would go out to a restaurant, etc. but this was different I got a bday card from his son and jr scribbled all the envelope and inside with crayon and gave it to him.  Unfortunately my day at the pool came to an abrupt end b/c he insisted inviting the ghetto brady bunch a funny term I'm borrowing from an online buddy lol and the pool had reached capacity b/c they run on ethnic people's time got there late and his sister in law whom which I can't stand started acting a fool which I'm glad I wasn't around for the display b/c I probably wouldn't have kept my mouth shut.  I'm so sick of her and her bs.  Why act like a spoiled diva? You show up late that's what happens, it's the city law they can't have too many people there for safety and I'm sure other reasons so I had to wind up leaving the pool before I got to go to the adult side and really enjoy it so we had to wind up going on the beach.  I'm told we have to go to the beach by him and I'm like really? Then here's a real kick in the head we have to leave by a certain time b/c they have a 2 hr drive back to PA! Excuse me??? I have to be considerate no one told them to come down and I have to be considerate for ppl who were 2 hrs late to a bbq we planned, we were hungry and thirsty b/c they were supposed to bring drinks, and forgot cash to pay car fee to park, yet I have to be considerate one get the f* out of my face!!!! So I begrudgingly leave the pool and wait for them to get to the front and I say hello and I get acknowledged by everyone except the b* I was like whatever I told him to keep me away from her.  She's just pissed off b/c I called her out on her bs when she sent my husband nasty text msgs.  I don't give a f* ppl may put up your stupidity but I will not and I didn't even get really nasty, etc. but some ppl think that they can do or say whatever they want w/o consequence.  If you can so can I and everyone else. I laid down on a towel and just relaxed under the umbrella but as the day went on it got very hot and I went to the water to cool off and the waves were a little rough but it was good.  He followed after and we spoke about counseling and he actually admitted he can be insensitive and we spoke about other things but I know everything will come out in counseling.  After a while it was time to leave and trying to get sand out of stuff is hard defeats the purpose till you get home and shower.  They left w/o saying goodbye to me and in his warped mind he feels I have to put up with that type of bs but I was relieved for them to finally be gone.  I hope the next trip to the beach and pool will be minus them.  I don't mind going out with a group of people if they're fun to be around, etc.  not to deal with stupidity.  After the beach we went to Roosevelt Field Mall which is a great mall but who wants to go the mall when you're broke lol.  He went to get himself a brand new outfit for his bday which I know his self confidence has improved since the weight loss but I just noticed a streak of narcissism I don't like he says it's not there but I notice it.   I ate and I was exhausted as the beach tires u out and mentally exhausted.  Next day off to replace our glasses yesterday would've been a perfect day to go to the pool but he had to work so much for a July 4th celebration.  I just went out on the ave to get a few things take jr to mcdonalds and the park and watch the macys fireworks.  This week will be a busy one and next week will be the surgery and having to deal with having the travelling gypsy back in my house so I'm hoping the week will fly by fast.  Today is the district mtg and I have to admit that I'm nervous b/c I don't know what the outcome will be for jr but I'm hoping that they do offer a pre-school placement and I'm prepared to ask as many questions as I can and advocate for the services he needs that "service" coordinator didn't leave me with much hope just blowing a whole bunch of smoke through my ears and the fact that she wouldn't even show up to a district mtg makes me realize you are the only real advocate for your children.  Her replacment ot still hasn't handed in the report and she doesn't know what it is to be on time another issue that's starting to work my nerves.  I don't like being late and I don't think I have to tolerate others being late b/c the later you leave the later we eat dinner, etc.  People don't think of these things.  It's half an hr before I leave so I've got to wrap this up.  I'm hoping for a positive outcome but prepared to deal with bs, red tape, bureaucracy.

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