Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Metro - Temps, tempers flare at city pools

Metro - Temps, tempers flare at city pools

I know everyone is looking for relief from the heat especially this past heat wave which crippled our power sources and just made everyone miserable but seriously starting fights at the community pools? this is ridiculous no one should feel like they or their kids aren't safe at the community pools there is not enough security and there should be police patrolling these areas.  Some of the pools mentioned in this article aren't in the best areas of town and there's a certain mentality that goes with the territory it ruins a good thing for the people to whom this pools is a only way of relief from the heat or just wanting to enjoy some time with their families.  Assaulting a life guard is inexcusable and I'm glad that the person responsible got arrested, these life guards don't get paid much as it is and you mean to tell me that they can't even be guaranteed protection while doing their job! There's something wrong with this picture.  If people want to act like ghetto trash animals than they should be expected to be treated like animals.  Don't complain how do you and your community doesn't have resources, etc. etc. and than behave like an animal at the few resources they do have it gives a bad name to your community and to this city.   Ghetto is not where you live it's a state of mind.  This is the main reason why I stay away from these city pools b/c as messed up as it sounds I know the frame of mind of some of the people who go there and I'm not looking for a fight I'm looking for a good time for me and my child.  You know there's no security if someone can walk in with a switchblade and slash someone so I think they should have metal detectors and people searching the bags and people going in if people knew how to act they wouldn't have to do that.  I also think that they should implement a 3 strikes you're out rule if you're a troublemaker and start fights, etc.  you should be banned from the pools.  I'd rather pay the extra money and go somewhere in a better neighborhood and even then you're not guaranteed that trash will not show up there either.  I went to FDR park and it's a big park in Upper Westchester with a huge olympic size pool but sadly there's a lot of garbage that goes up there which takes the fun out of it I went there last summer with my husband friend and my son and I got accused of hitting someone's kid and some b* came up to me talking smack and I was shocked b/c I NEVER saw her kid in my life and I'd NEVER touch someone else's kid no matter what they did.  I quickly told her off and said I didn't touch her child and how was her kid certain it was ME who did it when the pool was packed.  That was enough for me NOT to want to return there.  I'm not about starting trouble, fights, etc. I'm the opposite if I see something brewing I will get out ASAP however if you mess with my son,etc. that's a different story.  Sad that we have to think twice before we go out to places with our families simply b/c there are people out there who don't know how to act. 

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