Friday, July 22, 2011

Meeting Update

I'm trying to stay cool with a level head in this weather which isn't always easy and yesterday we went to the mtg to determine what services jr would maintain and I have to say that my first visit to the Early Intervention Office was very disappointing and the overall experience with Early Intervention.   I've had never dealt with such incompetence in my life and this type of incompetence is very scary b/c this office services over 7,000 kids in the county of Queens alone.  I was told that they were missing paperwork from the previous mtg and the OT deemed him "age appropriate" with occupational therapy which I thought was ridiculous considering she told me something completely different so he won't receive any more services for that and we expressed concerns about his ability to stay still and follow instructions and she explains that he still had some signifcant delays but CPSE standards are different another thing I found out is that they didn't have any positive remarks about the psychologist who evaluated my son and I was told that he's known to be "conservative" with approving services, etc. and that made my blood boil b/c who the heck do you think you are to be "conservative" as if it's coming out of your pocket to help mine or anyone's child so now I'm even doubting that he was properly evaluated.   The speaker at the mtg seemed very professional and willing to help and our new service coordinator seems like she's got her stuff together but I sure wish that I would've gotten this from the beginning.  We now have to take him to get another evaluation done by a neurological specialist to rule out any other things and they will have another mtg once those results come plus re eval by another psychologist one who actually knows what the heck he's doing and actually wants to get my son the help he needs.  It was a lot of information to absorb but she noticed our concern right away.  No one wants to be held accountable anymore everyone wants to get paid but there is no accountability and these people want to give our children the bare minimum or mediocre providers our children don't deserve this type of bs.  We've considered getting advocate to represent us at the next CPSE meeting.  I was also told that his former occupational therapist wasn't a good therapist so then why the **** is he still out in the field with children then????  This is a wake up call to us and should be to all parents out there you have to advocate be a pain in the *** b/c no one will do for you what you will do for your kids and I may sound like a broken record but if they can't even get evaluations right why should I trust their opinions for anything else.  I was also told that the CPSE mtg was handled wrong and they're not even actual meetings.  We are going to get what he needs we don't care whose toes get stepped on The Board of ED, Early Intervention Programs need to realize that they're there to help kids not hinder them and their constant change of policies and budget cuts due to state fiscal incompetence is hurting the kids and parents as well.  While I'm optimistic that we finally got someone who knows what they're talking about, until we receive those results from that specialist I won't feel relieved.  After that I went to my therapist mtg and it was okay but it seemed like time flew by this session.  I need to catch up on my gym trips this as I was only able to go once this week.  I need to get back on track and be more mindful with my eating b/c lately I've been slipping and I don't want to gain back the weight I've lost so far.  Today I went to for lunch and thought I was going to melt into the ground got my lunch did my fast bank trip and back to the ac office I went.  Ac power isnt' strong thanks to Con Ed nonsense with them reducing the power but it's better than being outside.  My mother has made the decision to move back to NY it is bitter sweet but I will happy to have her back here again.  While it's really nice over there it's just not working and the people around them aren't willing to help them the way it should be, sometimes family is something else and instead of making things easier they just make it worse.  Well I have half and hour left before it's quitting time time to start cleaning up and I'm hoping that the trains are nice and cool and running on time if there's any day I don't want to stand too long on the platform it's today.   I'm looking forward to finally getting a break from this heat next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hope jr gets the services he needs. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and your hubby.

    Wow, your mom moving back to NY. Didn't see that coming. You must be glad. It will be good for you to have your mother close, and for jr too.
