Wednesday, July 13, 2011

break from the heat

Today is a welcome break from the heat, while it's still warm outside it's nothing like yesterday.  I took a walk to Au Bon pain today and it felt great outside there was actually a breeze picked up my 12 veggie soup and a very small frozen yogurt.  Yesterday felt like a sauna outside.  I went to go grab a sub at quiznos at lunch and I thought I was going to melt into the ground, I needed something sweet to keep me cool so I went into the tasti d lite frozen yogurt place and got myself an orange creamsicle frozen yogurt.  My sweet tooth is my weakness but the good thing is their frozen yogurt is from 70-100 calories so I try to keep it small and pick of the 70 calorie list.  As the day went on I finished my work and almost lost my work due to a computer glitch but I was able to save it thank goodness b/c no daily report is like I didn't show up for work, it's the only thing that proves how much work I've done.  After the aggravating start to my day,  toward the end he texts me wanting "peace" and I always get annoyed with this statement b/c I'm thinking if you really wanted peace why do you have to be such a douche!.  You get what you give!  I needed to clear my head and get some distraction so I decided to visit the flushing location of the gym I belong to and let me say that I can't believe how many people ride the #7 train it's crazy I took the express down there and it got pretty full by the time it left the city.  Just my luck I sat in the double seater only to have some stinky alcoholic sitting next to me nodding off.   He went towards my shoulder and I gave him eye contact the gtfo off of me.  I was hoping the train would hurry up and get to the last stop which is where I needed to get off.  I finally get off at Main St. and I can't believe how crowded and how smelly it is it always smells like crap rotten garbage, etc.  and I see that there is no more old navy sometimes change isn't always a good thing I look around to see that a lot of stores have come and gone there it's sad but it's the sign of the times and the economy.  I winded up walking in the wrong direction for the gym and had to walk 3 blocks in the opposite direction now had it not felt like 100+ degrees outside with the heat index and humidity that wouldn't have been too bad.  The walk back was cardio in itself.  I get to the gym and I have to say that I wasn't impressed.  The locker room is like a rubix cube and what is it with these narrow lockers that not even my skinny reebok bag fits in their sometimes with my purse you shouldn't have to smash your belongings inside to fit I get they don't want anyone to keep things in their overnight but seriously sufficient space to accomodate a regular size gym/duffel bag isn't being too unreasonable considering they have showers and ppl bring things to shower and change after gym.  After finding an empty locker and changing I went to take my place on the floor ready for the zumba course and I look to see the ppl I spotted a few annoying idiots there's a group in every class I don't talk to anyone I'm just an introvert like that unless someone really catches my attention.  There was a fool there saying that no one should be let in late I was sthu it's a class not an audition.  The class started and I liked this instructor she's pretty good I was actually able to follow a routine that I couldn't follow with mr zorro so that's a plus.  The class is usually 45 minutes but after 30 I was tired and I think it was due to the walk, the heat and going to the gym the night before so it was time to go home.  I walk back to the bus stop and was happy to get inside an air conditioned bus.  I come home to unwind and have dinner and jr greets me in the hallway and I have dinner which he insists on picking off of he eats 3 meals at the sitter and I wonder how he finds the room to eat even more.  I watched some cartoons with him bath and to bed I fell out again and I hope this morning would be an easier and cleaner morning than previous.  It went pretty smooth I'm going to give the gym a rest today and possibly go back tomorrow or if not friday.  I received a call from the counseling center and it was a therapist for individual sessions and I was glad that someone was finally able to accommodate my schedule and I look forward to meeting with them tomorrow and I look forward the journey of going to therapy again, when I was going years back I felt better about myself and noticed the change after a while.  I need to try this out and considering all the things that have been happening lately I need to have someone whose impartial and will understand what I'm feeling w/o judgement or emotional involvement.  Well it's almost 2:00 and lunch is over time to get back to work and finish up for what's left of the day and hope for what I always hope for a smooth uneventful commute home.

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