Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday at last

Hooray TGIF it's here at last.  Today is one of those rainy humid days that I hate and I sure didn't feel like getting out of bed and jr doesn't help with his morning tantrums.  This week has been long and tiring and tomorrow we're back in the 90's again *sigh*.   This week I went to the gym twice and I always say I will go at lunch, etc. but sometimes I get caught up with other errands or just don't go.  I really want to start working on my abs b/c it seems like I'm losing weight in the other areas the pants I have on today are very loose even with a belt on.  As far as my weight loss goes I haven't lost or haven't gained any of it back so that's good I guess but I'd like to start losing more and he tells me to go see the nutritionist and I'm sure she will tell me to stop eating everything I eat and I really don't want to feel deprived of anything and yes sweets are my weakness which is why I eat frozen yogurt or dannon yogurts.  Wednesday and Thursday were back to back therapy sessions.  Wednesday was our first session with the counselor and I wrote down a list of issues I had with him and I'm glad I did that b/c I was able to express myself a lot better than I would have had I not done that. While I didn't read everything off the list I'm sure we will talk about the rest of the things at the next session she seems very nice and wanting to help us communicate better.  This is something I need to do not only for the relationship but for myself.  I need to start communicating and not holding things back this is something I spoke about in therapy yesterday and while I don't like to blame people my mother holds back a lot of things and expects me to do the same and I'm not doing that anymore.  I got pissed off b/c I found out that the person who had planned to pick up me and jr at the airport probably wouldn't and tells my mother expecting her to relay the msg to me and I'm wtf I'm an adult with my own cell and e-mail and this is short notice before I travel so I sent her an e-mail and she says I was rude and I thought "rude" wth? Sometimes ppl don't like when you tell them how you feel or what you don't like etc.  I even had the therapist read the msg just to get a professional opinion and she says I wasn't disrespectful I could've worded things differently but I was just pissed off and tired of dealing with the same family drama as always there's no communication or organization and while it's squashed I feel good for telling them how I felt about something even if the outcome wasn't that great. No one ever has held back when they've had something to tell me I try to be respectful with people but sometimes it's not that simple.  On another note I can't wait for my vacation to come already seems like this month of July has dragged on May and June flew by so fast.  I need a break to just relax and get away from this fast paced city life, etc.  etc.  One week left I'm hoping that my trip will be uneventful and there will be no bs to deal with at the TSA lines.  I've become sort of weary of the TSA since I hear so many outrageous stories of what they've done to some passengers at the airport.  I'm also hoping that jr will behave on the plane well as well as he can anyway.  Next week will be pretty busy deciding what to pack, getting my nails and hair done, packing carry on with snacks books and stuff for jr.  and it's going to be weird not going with him and I know jr is going to be sad that his father will not be going with us and a part of me is too but this is a choice he made and one he's going to have to deal with.  I think he made that choice out of anger and whatever other feels he had and still has but there's consequences to every thing and choice we make.  This may be the last trip I make to FL for a while since my mother is moving back to NY and she may be here by October.  This isn't going to be an easy transition for her but I'm glad she will be back here at least she will be able to see her grandson often and hopefully things will turn around for the better.  The one week countdown to vacation has begun.  Hurry up August 8th.

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