Thursday, July 28, 2011

McDonald's To Change Happy Meals

McDonald's To Change Happy Meals

I read this article about mcdonald's making changes to the Happy Meals first article I read about this was from some idiot congressman who thought taking away the toys from the happy meals was a good idea. It's a  happy meal the toys are usually what kids look for and are usually in theme with whatever cartoon movie or movie that's out.  I had plenty of happy meals as a kid I loved them and I'm here now so why the change I guess it's b/c the obesity rate is out of control.  I don't think they should change the happy meals at all I think parents and people overall need to start taking responsibility for their health and their crappy eating habits.  Society has become very lazy and b/c everyone working full time and late hours everyone is looking for the easiest fastest option and many times it's going through that drive through window and add to the fact that the eating is late at night so there's no time to burn off the food or no physical education classes in school to burn off the extra calories taken in so they pack on the pounds.  A child is not going to miss what they don't eat.  My son loves Mcdonald's he's only 2.5 and he loves the commercials and can spot the golden arch a mile away and start saying "yeah" mcdonalds but that's a treat he gets once in a while.  Parents need to start giving healthier options for their kids, portion control is another issue.  Lowering the portions but not lowering the price of their foods defeats the purpose in my opinion.  I think with everything having the calories and nutritional information should enough of a wake up call for parents these days.  Should they have healthier options of course they should but most of their food isn't considered healthy.  I think the healthiest breakfast sandwich they have is the Egg McMuffin and the grilled chicken sandwich on a roll the rest of it is sky high another low cal thing may be fruit oatmeal and fruit parfait if you can get your kid to eat these options great but most kids look for the fries nuggies and burgers b/c that's just how kids are.  Everything in moderation is okay in my opinion at least.  One trip to Mcdonald's once in a while isn't going to hurt your kid or make the obesity epidemic go up. 

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