Wednesday, July 20, 2011

heat wave week

Today is hump day and I'm glad for that but I'm definitely not looking forward to what's left of this week and the weekend the reason for that is the heat tomorrow we're supposed to get up to 95 98 friday and 96 saturday and he's working which totally sucks b/c this is perfect beach and pool weather.   The heat wears you down makes you feel tired, lethargic and it can also make you short tempered.  I try to dress comfortably and drink plenty of water thank goodness the trains and buses are air conditioned as well as the office.  Yesterday I felt very tired and he was working late so I had to get on the bus and pick up jr from daycare and wait for the bus to come home b/c there was no way I was walking all the way home in that heat.  I get home and his therapist is running late which I don't mind b/c at least it gives me a few minutes to get things ready and he didn't behave in his session at all I had to intervene twice and me being tired from the whole day didn't help my patience level plus the heat.  Finally he had a melt down during the session which was stressful in itself the therapist tried to calm him down he eventually calmed down and after she left I wanted to take him and spank him for misbehaving but I told him in a stern voice you did not behave and you're on time out.  He starts crying yet again.   I then heat up some microwave things for us to heat and I can't believe he still wants food when he eats all 3 meals at daycare but he's a bottomless pit when it comes to food.  After watching several episodes of sponge bob it was time for a bath cartoons and bed.  I get to my room and the portable ac starts acting up b/c the water pan has to be drained and I don't know how to do it but eventually it starts up I'm sure when I receive my con ed bill this month I'm going to say several curse words as I usually do but it's either that or suffer with this heat and I'm not about to do that I need a good night's rest in order to get up on time every day.  Once we're in the room he's playing and falls off the bed this isn't the first time it happens but it was time for a story and bed he wasn't behaving yet again I said no book the therapist mentions we have to implement more behavioral structure with him and he has to see consequences when he doesn't do what he's being asked.  We sang some songs and off to bed and I breathed a sigh of relief!!!! I can go to the livingroom and have some down time and watch adult tv shows watched a little tv took a long shower and off to bed.  I tried to blog last night but the tiredness just took over.  My vacation time isn't coming fast enough for me I could sure use a break and I know it's going to be just at hot and humid as it's been here but the difference is central ac in the whole house at least I'm not confined to the bedroom or livingroom as I am in my apartment here and a pool within walking distance.  The only thing I don't look forward to is the airport bs and going through the TSA lines this is a part of the travel experience I HATE.  I remember doing this when jr was a baby it was such a pain in the a**.  I try to make it easier on me by wearing flip flops or sandals that slip on and off easily be mindful of things I pack I might even get sandals for jr too.  I'm not looking forward to carrying a car seat wish these geniuses at the FAA would approve booster seats less bulkier to carry.  I'm counting down the days till I leave I have about 2.5 weeks left.  I'm hoping for a safe uneventful flight and that jr will behave and not get ear pain b/c I sure can get bad ear pain.  Tomorrow is the mtg to discuss the justifcation for the increase in speech therapy where I will get to meet the new service coordinator and I'm hoping that this mtg goes better than the CPSE one b/c they sure left a bad taste in my mouth.  It's also the second session of therapy for me I'm sure it will get easier and time goes on breaking the ice initially is very hard I've yet to hear anything about us being assigned a therapist for couples counseling a part of me wonders if I should even bother but I know that's avoiding the issue I know that either way things go we have to put everything in perspective and I don't think we can do that w/o professional help.  It's hard to face things but sometimes we have to so I'm going to call and see if and when we will get someone.  As I was walking to the bus stop yesterday the building that they seemed to be constructing forever is going to be a Walgreens and I was so happy to see this we really don't have a lot of Walgreens up here and this will be good to pick up something if needed on the way home.  Today after work we will be driving up to Walmart I really don't feel like doing this after the two train voyage home but I might as well take the opportunity b/c he's working on the weekend and I need a few things as I want to start getting things ready for the upcoming vacation.  Well time to start my work day actually it started @8 hopefully it will be a smooth with minimal office stupidity even though some always manages to sneak in every work day.

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