Monday, July 11, 2011

happy to see monday (a rare occurence)

I'm usually never glad when Monday comes but today is an exception, this weekend my son drove me crazy both days.  Friday I was tired from the whole work week and I felt lazy so I didn't go to the gym and the weather sure didn't help this I won't go in bad weather rain is ok but thundering and lighting that's not negotiable.  Grocery shopping was supposed to be also put off till the next due to the weather and me being tired.  Saturday morning I woke up early b/c jr is an instant alarm clock and I have to be extra careful now as he knows how to open the refrigerator.  He does this looking for his juice boxes.  Saturday I did some cleaning up but I was just in a slump so I was in the house all day until he came out of work off to pick up our new glasses and do the much hated grocery shopping.  I hate grocery shopping on any given day but I hate it even more when the sales arent that great.  I went to the Pathmark and wow has that place gotten annoying it seemed like an eternity that we were waiting on line to pay for our stuff.  How can not have all of the registers open on a Saturday of all days!  Yesterday was just one of those days jr drove me nuts so much that I went outside to take him to the park so he can expend some of that energy I tried looking for the tomatoes, peppers and garlic but in all 3 places in the area they were way too expensive and not very fresh looking so I will continue looking for them.  We had some pizza in the area I took him for a haircut and back home.  When he finally arrives home I go to do some laundry that's my "alone" time so much for getting my nails done and lesson learned I will NEVER let my stuff I don't dry pile up again like that it took me forever to hang everything up.  He then starts talking smack about the laundry hamper being full and me not washing his uniforms and I'm just trying not to feed into this bs.  For someone who doesn't feel the same way you  sure expect a whole lot so which one is it? make up your f* mind or step off.  I had no room to wash them and frankly I don't think I have to and as far as hamper being full, we dirty a lot of clothing, summer doesn't help this and jr doesn't either especially if he has an "accident".  I realize it's not about the "laundry" when people have issues, they take something small and turn it into something big.  He says he's tired really? and I'm not? I sure could use some "ME" time just to be alone and relax go the gym go shopping etc.  The child trips and cries that was also my fault he says he tripped on a piece of paper are you f* serious? did you just listen to how stupid that sounds???? I just gave jr his bath and went to the room and had to deal with him giving me a hard time to go to bed and finally within minutes he's asleep and before I knew I knodded off and didn't wake up till after midnight.  I get up this morning glad to be alive and in an empty apartment b/c I had enough douchery for one evening. I keep asking myself when the call for therapist will come b/c I have plenty of ammo now.  I begin my routine of feeding the cat, jump in the shower and watch my NY1 news and it's going to be a hot 90 degrees today and I sure wish it would be like this on a weekend where I have a ride to go to the pool or beach.  Today I will do for "me" get my nails done at lunch time and today is Zumba day at the Astoria gym I sure hope he's there today b/c I can sure use a good work out to distract my mind and to work off everything I've eaten in these past few days.  The diet part is always a challenge for me and it sure doesn't help with smart ones, lean cuisines, etc. aren't on sale at the supermarket.  With those meals the guess work is gone and perfectly portioned but usually the downfall is the sodium maybe I will have better luck this week.  I will try to get to the gym 3 times this week.  I finally got to open the envelope for early inventervention and I see the progress notes for jr and a new service coordinator's name and number now that was fast service I'm crossing my fingers that this new coordinator will work out b/c I sure don't feel like switching again but I will if need be even if they think I'm a pain in the a* parent when it comes to my child I will not put up with any more incompetence on their behalf b/c everyone has a job to do and it seems like everyone wants to pass on the torch to everyone else and have no accountability for their actions or lack thereof.  Not with my child.  It's 12:00 and I can't wait for lunch for some reason I feel hungrier than usual. 

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