Friday, July 15, 2011

uncertainity isn't good

It's friday and I'm glad just wish my stomach wasn't acting up it's very stressful when this happens to me but this morning as I dropped off jr and I was on my daily ride to work I get a call from the sitter that her weekly fee was short and I think that's what did it b/c I could've sworn it was complete.  I got to work on time went to the store and quickly had to leave and hope I made it to the office on time I felt better afterward but it's been on and off.  Stress aggravates my stomach condition sadly.  Yesterday was my first visit to therapist and while it was hard and my voice cracked at some parts in the session I was able to express myself and get through it and I feel that I will gain a lot from therapy.  She is very understanding and easy to talk to I think I also choked b/c while the intake girl was nice she wasn't as easy to open up to.  We decided to keep our visits on Thursday so I will keep going to the gym but have to rearrange my schedule.   Now today I find out that they will be more lay offs and so far I've been lucky and been spared quite a few rounds even thought I got an risk letter but now I heard talk that someone who's in mgmt had been cleaning out their office but hadn't notified anyone which pissed me off b/c people's livelihoods are depending on your information how dare you keep people in the dark!  so this adds to my stress b/c we're having a staff mtg in a few minutes to discuss these layoffs but I'm going to try not to worry too much b/c we can't control it the city is in bad fiscal shape and there's a lot of cut backs and there will be more to come.  Some will be laid off or reassigned to other agencies.  I don't think i'd want to work anywhere else I've gotten used to working here and our immediate group is nice and we all work pretty good together but most ppl will do anything to keep a job these days so we will soon see what the outcome of this meeting is since it begins in a few minutes

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