Friday, July 22, 2011

Woman Claims Pilot Threw Her Off Plane Over Shorts

Woman Claims Pilot Threw Her Off Plane Over Shorts

Now this is the story I need to read just a few weeks short of me travelling on Jet Blue for my vacation as if the whole traveling experience these days isn't stressful enough with the ridiculous having to pay to get your bags checked in, them having the nerve to charge you per bag, dealing with the ridiculous TSA lines.  This woman was on her way to FL and for some idiotic reason the pilot suspected she wasn't wearing any underwear or short now why the heck would someone go outside like that and if she were like that I'm sure airport police or someone would've stopped her.  The guy had the nerve to take a walkie talkie and slap it in between her legs asking her if she had underwear and was very vulgar she should've taken that walkie talkie and smacked on his balls and take the antenna and say hmm let me see if you have underwear on she was hauled off the plane like a common criminal until police determined she had underwear and shorts and then she was put back on the plane and the pilot still threw her off the flight after police said she was "properly dressed" She is now suing and I can't say I blame her.  If she was able to pass through TSA and their scanners, etc. than I don't get how they're making such a big deal out of this. This was a very humiliating and unprofessional response from that supervisor it seems like they hire any idiot to work in the airports these days.  I can remember way back when airline staff was very courteous and professional and now their standards have lowered tremendously from ticket agents to flight attendants yet we're paying more to get less in service and more aggravation  I have to wonder what that pilot was thinking? Shouldn't you be concerned with flying the plane and passenger safety rather than wasting your time making assumptions about who has underwear on *roll eyes*.  I think that employee should receive disciplinary action for what he did.  I wish some jerk would try to poke me with an antenna in between my legs he'd regret it for sure.  Moral of this story is NEVER assume anything unless you're 100% sure that someone is drunk, inappropriately dressed, etc.  don't just jump the gun or you will have to face the consequences and I'm sure Jet Blue will try to damage control as most of corporate america does.  They should give her a ton of frequent flyer miles but I'd doubt she'd ever want to be bothered with them again. I'm sure we'll see an update on this story.

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