Wednesday, July 27, 2011

MTA Budget To Be Unveiled Wednesday

MTA Budget To Be Unveiled Wednesday

Here's another slap in the face to the subway and bus riders of this city we won't be facing a fare hike this yr but will in 2013 and 2015.  I think it's ridiculous MTA is always crying poor all the time and as far as service goes they fall way short of the mark for the price we pay.  How about bringing back the fun pass? $104 for a monthly metro card is ridiculous in my opinion considering the service and the conditions of some of these subways and buses.  They just revealed a new fleet of express buses did anyone ever stop to think where they got the money for that yet they can't keep token both agents employed who not only sell metro cards but can assist with other things such as emergencies, etc.  Elevators are another issue not enough elevators in some train stations so if you have a stroller good luck or no token clerk good luck in getting buzzed in for service exit since it didn't occur to them to just leave the door open.  They recently talked about fare evasion and how kids crawl under subway turnstiles no **** sherlock who's going to stop them no token clerk or cops around and with the crappy economy and tight budgets some ppl have no choice. They think that a sign posting a height requirement is going to stop this problem yeah ook there.  This budget should be interesting and the funny thing is they'd actually have community mtgs and pretend they gave a **** about the riders they could save a lot of money by stop having a bunch of overpaid useless ppl on their boards who don't even ride the subways and with all of that extra cash could restore the V, W, turn the M back to brown and restore that route and restore buses but they're greedy and incompetent. 

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